
My family of out laws…whoops, I mean my in-laws, celebrated my brother-in-law’s birthday today, and I decided I would practice my educational program skills.
The birds I presented:
The male American kestrel
The red-morph screech owl
The peregrine falcon (aka Lucy)

No wonder Lucy is a favorite. She’s just so polite and sweet and beautiful.

As you may have seen in yesterday’s post, our little screech owl is molting like mad, so he’s, well, not looking his best. (He really is a red-morph…I had to do a fill light to get him to show up on the pic)
The quasi-program went well, except for the hecklers…otherwise known as Isabelle and Lorelei.

The American kestrel has a new name…well, I will be calling him this: I was thinking of names for him, and I thought, “AK (the banding abbreviation of American kestrel)…AK Steel (a steel company in Middletown, where my in-laws live)…male kestrels have steel-gray backs…hmmm…”

So I’m going to call him Steel, and no one can stop me.

“Check please!”