Head in the clouds

Okay, I guess it’s time to get my head out of the clouds at Indigo Hill and get back to real life.
Our Red-tailed hawk has visited us every day for a week.
Not to toot my own horn, but Beep-Beep! She has found the motherload of prey on our property because:
1. We don’t use pesticides, so there are more bugs to eat.
2. We don’t keep a perfect, manicured (boring) lawn, so there are a lot of places for mice and snakes to make a home.
3. We won’t mistake her for a chicken and shoot her. (See post about Isis)

A favored perch for her is our chimney.

Do I care that there is a whole lotta bird poop up there? Nope.

Vignetted photo of her…until I get a proper scope, this is the best that it gets.

Finally got her in flight! This photo doesn’t do her justice, when it comes to her size.

Cosmos in the dark.

Why do I take so many pictures of the cosmos? Because that’s about the only thing blooming in the yard right now.

New issue of the Hackback

RAPTOR, Inc has a quarterly newsletter called the Hackback.
What makes this one interesting to me is, well, I’m in it.
(And my in-laws make a cameo, too!)

Click HERE to read the Hackback!