Whatever Wednesday

Yesterday, my heart was gladdened by the sight of three juvenile bluebirds in the yard. I hope they remember our yard for next year’s breeding season.
There are two on the box and one on the fence behind.
Another photo from yesterday’s walk: A pretty, yellow wildflower growing next to a log.
Anyone know of an easy-to-use website so I can figure out what flowers I am looking at?
(Birds are my strength…I don’t know the name of a flower unless it has a tag on it)

Yet again, a flower I am clueless about. This one was growing in a pot of cattails I got for the marsh. Now they are blooming and gorgeous. They seem to like all the moist soil in the marsh.

The flowers have a “beard” if that’s the word for it.

(and to beat my FIL to the punch {line}, I don’t think they are members of the Flower Protection Program)
***I have a feeling that Laura will come through on this one…it’s nice to know a master (mistress?) gardener.***